Targeted support and wellbeing resources for refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people. As well support and wellbeing resources for wider crisis situations affecting Londoners' mental health and wellbeing.
A short video for professionals engaging with refugees and asylum seekers around their mental health and wellbeing.
Targeted support and wellbeing resources for refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people.
Resources, tools and guidance for professionals or volunteers.
Resources, tools and guidance for professionals or volunteers.
Thrive LDN and Refugees in Effective and Active Partnership (REAP) have developed some short video clips on specific topics of interest for professionals supporting the Hong Kong community.
Support and wellbeing resources for wider crisis situations affecting Londoners' mental health and wellbeing.
Suggested sources of support which are available now, which may be helpful for both individuals and those supporting the response to the earthquakes.
Take an online Psychological First Aid (PFA) training course, aimed at all frontline and essential workers and volunteers. The course teaches the key principles of giving psychological first aid in emergencies.
A month before COP26, Thrive LDN brought together two young environmental campaigners to discuss the question: Are young people a lone voice in the face of climate change?