Physical health is important for good wellbeing
Taking care of yourself and your physical health helps look after your mental health and reduce feelings of stress. Exercise boosts mood and self-esteem. A healthy diet and a good night’s sleep are proven to help you stay well, feel your best and deal with life’s difficulties.
We all lead busy lives, but it’s important to make time to check in with yourself and listen to how you are feeling. Here we outline some free resources to support you and others for being more active, getting better quality sleep and maintaining a healthy diet.
Explore Mind’s advice on self-care techniques and lifestyle changes that can help manage the symptoms of many mental health problems.
Watch this NHS-led wellbeing webinar for tips on getting a good night’s sleep.
The Mental Health Foundation helpfully outline how diet affects our mental health, and some techniques to help improve our overall mental and physical wellbeing.
Check out the UK’s Eatwell Guide on the NHS website for a detailed menu of ideas on achieving a healthy diet.
Healthy changes start with little changes. Better Health is here with lots of free tools and support.
Learn about Radical Caring in different places and communities across London.