Prioritising Young Londoners
A quarter of London’s population remains under the age of 25. It continues to be critical to prioritise the mental health and wellbeing of London’s children and young people.
A quarter of London’s population remains under the age of 25. It continues to be critical to prioritise the mental health and wellbeing of London’s children and young people.
The foundations for good mental health and wellbeing are built early in life. Thrive LDN’s Young Londoners programme is designed to build on existing infrastructure for children, young people and families.
We recognise the magnitude of opportunity which exists to give children in London the best start in life. We do this through embedding active participation and coproduction with young people into the development and delivery of activities that support their wellbeing.
We are also a proud member of the Children & Young People’s Mental Health Coalition which brings together leading charities to campaign on the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Resources and signposting:
If you’re a young Londoner or someone supporting a young Londoner who is looking for resources or information on how to get help or advice, you can visit our support pages for young Londoners and older Londoners
Our projects
Thrive LDN have worked with partners across the capital to deliver a number of projects and programmes. Below, we have included an overview of these activities to date where you can find out more about how we have supported young Londoners over the years.
Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA)
In 2018, the Mayor of London’s Young Londoners Fund, provided funding to support Thrive LDN, Mental Health First Aid England (MHFAE) and research partners at University College London (UCL) to work in partnership to deliver and evaluate YMHFA training to support educational staff and youth sector leads.
From October 2018 – March 2022, this training has upskilled over 4,000 school and youth sector staff to support children and young people (aged 8-19 years old). Additionally, this programme has also trained 119 YMHFA instructors across London’s boroughs enabling them to deliver their own training to schools. Find out more about the impact of the training here.
With remaining funding, in 2022 we commissioned MHFAE instructors to deliver a series of topic specific ‘top-up’ sessions for those who have undertaken the training. You can access these sessions free, via our Thrive LDN channel
The evaluation of this programme aims to determine the effectiveness of YMHFA implementation within education and youth settings serving diverse communities in London. Survey data and case studies will be shared within the larger evaluation due out in Autumn 2023.
Conversation starter kits for children & young people, parents and carers.
Thrive LDN and Good Thinking have produced two new guides to help Londoners to look out for other people who may be struggling with their mental health. The guides contain a series of practical tips and ideas on starting a conversation, which were developed by Thrive LDN in collaboration with pupils and teachers at St Mary’s RC Primary School, Wimbledon. The guides can be downloaded from Good Thinking’s website
Suicide Prevention training in schools
In 2019, Thrive LDN commissioned PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide to deliver a series of suicide awareness and prevention training sessions aimed at equipping schools and young people to become suicide safer. This training aims to enable schools to spot and address warning signs that a young person might be thinking of suicide. As a result of this training, over 1,140 people across all London boroughs were trained. Further details of the project can be found in the page here
Supporting the whole school approach
Thrive LDN partnered with the Department for Education (DfE), Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) London and the Greater London Authority (GLA) to promote the benefits of taking a whole school or college approach to mental wellbeing.
Working health and education partners we produced two one-hour webinars for primary schools and secondary schools on the benefits of taking a whole school or college approach to mental wellbeing. You will hear from school teaching staff who will share their experience and examples of good mental health practice.
Young people
Act on podcast
In early 2020, we worked with an amazing group of young Londoners to develop, record and launch a podcast series called Act On.
The Act On podcast focuses on issues facing young Londoners’ lives, such as inequality, the challenges of social media and the positive impact of participating in live music and cultural activities. The topics and ideas came as a result of our 2019 World Mental Health Day Festival and the young Londoners who made it happen.
The series opens up conversations on breaking down barriers, building resilience and the importance of having a sense of community.
The first 6 episodes of the Act On podcast series were recorded in collaboration with Up For Arts and BBC Radio 1’s Katie Thistleton.
Follow this link to learn more.
8 Million Minds
The 2.8 Million Minds programme focused on how young people use art and culture to create change in their mental health and change how mental health care is imagined, delivered, and funded.
In May 2022, three groups of young people from Haringey and Tower Hamlets presented their manifesto for young Londoners, A Manifesto for 2.8 Million Minds, to the Houses of Parliament. Reflecting on their own experiences, facilitated by artists Becky, Yomi, Tyreis and Simon as well as partners Madlove, Chisenhale Gallery and Bernie Grant Arts Centre, they highlighted the need and potential for art and culture to transform young people’s mental health structures.
The 2.8 Million Minds Manifesto was shortlisted for the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance Collective Power Award in partnership with Ideas Alliance and Lived Experience Network.
Suicide Prevention training for higher and further education
Thrive LDN commissioned PAPYRUS – a national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. The project launched in 2022/23 and aimed to “upskill and equip staff and institutions with the knowledge and skills to better understand suicide, suicide prevention and develop appropriate safeguarding procedures for vulnerable students”. Through this training we were able to support 350 staff from over 80 higher and further education institutions across London. The training has equipped staff to respond to students thinking about suicide and to help keep them safe. Further information on the project can be found here.
Mental Health support
Behind the books, 2023
In partnership with Mental Health Foundation, we have worked with students to develop a university campaign to help students talk about their mental health. This campaign will be launched in September 2023 and aims to provide helpful tips on coping and to help normalise the ups and downs of university life.
We have supported and developed activities and content for several awareness days and weeks that take place over the year. Below we have listed a number of events that we regularly support. Please follow the link to our campaigns pages to find out more.
Children’s Mental Health Week (February)
Launched in 2015, Children’s Mental Health Week is an event led by children’s mental health charity Place2Be in February. This event aims to highlight the importance of looking after our emotional wellbeing from an early age.
Mental Health Awareness Week (May)
This is an annual event hosted by the Mental Health Foundation – a UK charity which aims to find and address sources of mental health problems so that people and communities can thrive. Over the past several years we have created resources and activities to celebrate this events, see below:
Creativity And Wellbeing Week (May)
This is an annual event, launched in 2012, hosted by London Arts in Health Forum, Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance and Arts & Health South West. The national festival celebrates the power of creativity and culture to improve our health and wellbeing. We have been supporting this event since 2019, following the links below to learn more:
World Suicide Prevention Day (10th September)
This day is observed on 10 September each year where organisations gather together to promote worldwide action to prevent suicides.
World Mental Health Day (10th October)
The overall objective for this event is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts to support mental health. Below we have included further details and links to our activities below:
World Mental Health Day 2022 – Access All Areas
In October 2022, more than 200 young people attend the Access All Areas young-Londoner led festival to mark World Mental Health Day. The festival was delivered in partnership with Living Proof, a youth consultancy, who developed a youth board to curate the festival.
The festival offered a platform for young Londoners to discuss challenges affecting their mental health and wellbeing in the context of access to services and information and provided a space for young people to have a dialogue with key decision makers in health and care. Members of the festival’s youth board were also interviewed by BBC London on the day of the festival which featured on news bulletins both on radio and television.
World Mental Health Day 2021 – Never Alone LDN
For the fourth consecutive year, Thrive LDN and the Mayor of London’s Peer Outreach Team hosted a series of young Londoner-led events to mark World Mental Health Day. Never Alone LDN, took a look at how young Londoners can come together to overcome the challenges we face, and reflecting on the experiences of young Londoners over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Thrive LDN and the Peer Outreach Team put together a virtual festival of performances, panel discussions and workshops where they discussed with other young people the challenges faced during COVID-19 and explore shared experiences of inequality and issues raised through the Black Lives Matter movement.
World Mental Health Day Festival 2019
Thrive LDN worked in partnership with the Mayor of London’s Peer Outreach Team to takeover City Hall for an all-day young Londoner-led festival to mark World Mental Health Day (WMHD) 2019. The festival focused on day-to-day challenges young people in London face, offering a platform for young people to open up conversations on breaking down barriers, building resilience and the importance of having a sense of community.