New report outlines recommendations for supporting challenges faced by Hongkongers in London
A new report has shone a light on the mental health and wellbeing challenges facing Hongkongers who have recently made London their home.
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of Hongkongers in London details the pressures faced by the community and offers a series of recommendations to improve support.
Between August and November 2024, Thrive LDN and Basis, worked alongside seven Hong Kong-led organisations, with support and funding from the Greater London Authority, to collate and share insights about the challenges facing the community.
Collectively, this work represents the voice of over 1,100 people engaged through surveys and in-depth discussions with more than 100 individuals. The findings were then discussed at a special in-person unconference event held in October, facilitated by Basis, bringing together community members and policymakers from across London’s health and care services.
The publication of this new report brings together all this work. The report identifies six key themes impacting mental wellbeing, including navigating new identities, shifting family dynamics, loneliness, and difficulties accessing healthcare and navigating education. Many Hongkongers spoke about the challenges of adapting to a new culture while maintaining their own, as well as the practical hurdles of finding employment and understanding regional and UK systems.
Among the series of recommendations outlined in the report are ideas for safe spaces where individuals can share their experiences, culturally specific support services in Cantonese, and better training for healthcare professionals on the specific needs of the Hong Kong community. The report also suggests streamlining the process for recognising Hong Kong qualifications in the UK.
Commenting on the report, Dan Barrett, director of Thrive LDN, said: “The work which led to this important report was delivered very quickly at the end of 2024. I’d like to thank all of those from the community who invested time, enthusiasm, and energy into this project.
“Facilitating a process whereby Hongkongers and professionals supporting the community were able to come together has helped to ensure some very practical and sensible recommendations are outlined in the report. It’s been a really rewarding process to bring these conversations to life in this way.
“I hope the publication of this new report, based on community voices, will support these conversations to continue so that London’s Hong Kong population feels supported and able to thrive in the capital.”
For full details and to read the report, visit the Thrive LDN website.
The report was developed by Thrive LDN and Basis, working collaboratively alongside Hong Kong-led organisations, with funding and support from the Greater London Authority as part of the London Hong Kong Welcome Programme.